Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Design principles of google dashboards

Google analytics is one of the most heavily used BI dashboards on the planet. The design principles used by Analytics are straightforward but can provide a very rich user experience.

At the highest level, the dashboard is made up of metrics, dimensions and visualizations (widgets).

Google analytics collects various metrics about a visit to an enabled site. This includes site usage (new visit, visit duration, bounce flag, page visit), E commerce goals that the user may have set up, Adsense metrics in terms of revenue, CPM, CTR, and others.

The dimensions are grouped under headings of Audience, Traffic Sources, Content and Conversions.

Visualizations are provided as widgets which could be Standard or Real time. Standard widgets could be the metric value reported as a number, Timeline that shows trends over time, Geomap showing locations, Tables, Pie or Bar.

Each widget is optionally predisposed towards a primary dimension. Metric has no primary dimension, Timeline has time dimension hierarchy, map has location hierarchy, Table has a slew of dimensions and allows a cross tabulation between two metrics, Pie uses a grouping dimension and bar can plot one metric grouped by a primary dimension and optionally pivoted by an optional dimension.

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